10 Tips for Enhancing Creativity and Productivity

In this weeks email I thought I'd share a list of things I talk about at the beginning of every workshop I teach. For those of you who have taken part in one of my workshops, this list is a reminder. And for those of you who will never get to hear me break this info down in-person, this list is especilly for you.

It's a list full of points that have effectively influenced the way I plan and work with clay. Possibly, they can help you plan and be more productive too during the limited time we all have in the studio.

Good potting everyone,


  1. Identify Your Influences: Recognize the sources that inspire your clay work, whether it’s online platforms, books, nature, or other ceramic work.
  2. Explore Diverse Inspirations: Seek inspiration from various sources such as museums, architecture, kitchen stores, antique shops, craft fairs, and art galleries.
  3. Steal the Good, Leave the Bad: Incorporate elements of your influences into your work while growing your unique voice and style.
  4. Plan Ahead: Visualize your creations as completly finished before starting to make them, setting goals and ensuring a clearer direction in your work.
  5. Draw Ideas: Use sketchbooks to draw outlines and details of your pottery ideas, aiding in organizing thoughts and saving time during the making process.
  6. Practice Drawing Perspective: Improve your drawing skills, especially in perspective, to better represent your pottery ideas from different angles.
  7. Define Your Ideas: Refine your drawings progressively to clarify details and steps, making the transition from concept to creation smoother and more efficient.
  8. Embrace Imperfection: Your drawings don’t need to be flawless; they serve as personal references, so focus on conveying your ideas rather than perfection. Your drawings can be as private – or as public – as you choose.
  9. Use Drawings as Inspiration: Revisit your sketchbook when feeling creatively stuck to reignite inspiration and find new starting points for your clay work.
  10. Find Your Method: Experiment with different approaches to your drawing style... sketching with shadows and shading vs line drawing. Developing a drawing style will help you recognize what works best for you as you record your ideas on paper. 

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